18 November 2012

Most Borrowed Books in the UK

The US Election 2012

7th November 2012: The US Election 2012 turned out to be quite a straightforward affair but this didn't stop me creating a 'crazy race for the whitehouse' style sting and graphics. 

Dating Website Con

1st November 2012: A Channel 4 News investigation reveals one of Britain's largest internet dating firms hired staff to trick customers into handing over more money - abusing their personal details in the process. This graphic explained how entering your details into a internet dating website could lead to someone only a completely different site getting hold of your details.


25th October 2012: From 8 April 2013 the Government is introducing a new benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for eligible working age people aged 16 to 64. This graphic illustrated what how it will affect numbers of people claiming DLA.

Duggan Shooting

12th October 2012: Two Metropolitan Police officers are on restricted duties following developments in the Mark Duggan shooting inquiry. The shooting led to the outbreak of rioting in north London over the summer. We reconstructed the scene of the shooting.

Drug treatment Trends

4th October 2012: This graphic was used as a live introduction to a discussion about current drug treatments because, according to new research, heroin users seeking treatment are getting older but there are fears the UK's most recent recession could lead to a new generation of addicts.

Energy Tariff Confusion

18th October 2012: Energy Minister John Hayes, tells parliament that the forthcoming energy bill will be used to "get people lower tariffs" but stresses that policy is still under discussion. This graphic representation of an electricity meter overloading was used as the opening to the package.